Kamina Village Clean Water Supply

Considering Rukarara1 neighbourhoods and community as among the interested parties of the power station, and given the challenges that the locals go through to access clean water; with no hope of getting its access in the near future, Ngali Energy Ltd decided to bring clean water to the locals as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the company.

It is anticipated that around 200 households will benefit from this facility. In addition, this action is among other ongoing initiatives that are being carried out with different stakeholders for government of Rwanda program called “NST1” (National Strategy for Transformation); that will be ending in 2024.

All required tools were supplied, installation works done and the project commissioned on 15th December 2020 and as of now, the project is complete and in full action. The locals in Kamina village now have access to clean water for their home consumption and to help them combat COVID-19.

Published on Tuesday, 15/12/2020